• Image of Plain White T-Shirts Hanging on a Store Rack

    We Sell T-Shirts With a Purpose!

    Welcome to Garden Patch Heaven! We're Glad You Stopped By! We Promote Good Things! Please Feel Free to Linger in the Garden for a While, and Get to Know What We're all About. You Can Stay as Long as You Wish or Go Ahead and Click the Link Below to Start Shopping Right Away... Thanks for the Visit!

This Is Why We Exist

We're breaking new ground and preparing the soil! We may be newbies in the E-Commerce world, but our values and beliefs are firmly rooted. Our world is changing faster than most ever thought possible. Now is the time to take a stand in what you believe. This is how Garden Patch Heaven came to be. Instead of turning down the path that leads to division and unrest, we're choosing to promote that which supports life, health and vitality to all who partake at our table. Welcome!