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Love, Peace and T-Shirts!

I'm supposed to blog about T-Shirts, I guess. Funny thing is, I've never blogged before, though many people have implied that I actually "blog" in lieu of texting! I have to admit... my texts are a bit ..."long-winded", but then I remembered something... that my fingers which I text... don't actually have lungs, so that's not really going to work, now, is it? Anyway, let's begin, shall we?


So, let's start with how this brand came about. I have entitled this blog "Love, Peace and T-Shirts!"... And here's why.

All over the world, for the last couple of years, it has been really difficult for most. It seems to me that in times of trouble, that we should all really come together. Yet, mostly, what I've noticed, is that there is great division and unrest among the people. 

With all that has come about, I began to think... "I wish there was something I could do", but I felt powerless. I struggled with feelings of inadequacy... I mean, I'm just one person, how much could I possibly have any effect whatsoever on the whole entire world? At least, that's what I thought, until a very wise friend told me something that stuck with me. He said "If every person acted on their desire to do something when things are not right, then the world would be a better place. It takes only one to start, then another will follow, then another, and so on."  

One day, my son suggested that I design prints for T-Shirts to spread whatever message I wanted to get out there. I told him that I just want to spread love really and remind people that although we can't fix everything ourselves, there are some things we CAN do! Like being kind to people, helping those who need it whenever we can or maybe just a smile or even a wave of your hand to say "Hello" to that neighbor who lives across the street that you've never even spoken to. That neighbor might really need someone to just notice them, in order not to feel so alone. You, or I, or any one of us, can make a difference in someone's life, and without all that much trouble. We CAN make the world a better place!

So that's the story. Here we are, spreading love and peace to all that we can, and making T-Shirts... and maybe, just maybe... making a difference! 

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